

Services for operation and maintenance of the website of Beijing-China

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In 2000, Capinfo won the bid for operating and maintaining the “website of Beijing-China”, namely the Beijing municipal government portal. So far, we have operated and maintained this website for two decades. With a view to “build domestic leading and world-class urban portals”, we have actively utilized network, application and service resources for enhancing capabilities for operating and maintaining government websites, guaranteeing IT services, making constant innovations and integrating services. We have created stable network operation and maintenance environment as well as a standard application service system for “the website of Beijing-China”, to fully support the website to become an integrated high-quality platform for release of Beijing municipal government information and online service provision, in order to make comprehensive and all-round expedient services available to government authorities and citizens. Since 2007 when the General Office of the State Council conducted performance appraisal of government websites, “the website of Beijing-China” has been ranked No.1 among provincial government websites for 14 consecutive years.

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