

CAPINFO held an exchange meeting to express solicitude to the Tibetan-aid and village-resident assistance cadres.

Date: December.29,2021

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On January 29th, CAPINFO held an exchange meeting to express condolences to the cadres staying at villages for assistance. Du Xiaoling, deputy general manager of the Company and the Chairman of the Trade Union, on behalf of the CAPINFO Trade Union, expressed condolences to Wang Nan, the Tibetan-aid cadre, and Wang Yi, the village-resident "first secretary", bringing them the sincere care of the Company and the blessing of the New Year. The leaders of the organization department of the Party Committee and General Management Dept. of the Company accompanied her and expressed condolences.

The two assistance cadres shouldered the glorious mission and the great entrustment of the Company, went to their respective posts, and made positive contributions to helping the locals tap the industrial potential, form endogenous power and promote economic development.

In-depth exchange was carried out in the meeting. Wang Nan and Wang Yi reported their work and life during their assistance to Tibet and stay in villages respectively, introduced the local customs, difficulties encountered during work development and future work priorities, etc., and discussed the in-depth development of work on the spot. They expressed their heartfelt thanks for the Company's concern and support, and expressed that in the future work, they would always, by adhering to the corporate culture spirit of "stressing politics, taking responsibility and being trustworthy", fully display the spirit of Communist Party members in the new era, and effectively contribute their own strength to the assistance work. At the meeting, Comrade Wang Yi presented the banner to the Company on behalf of the Taishang Village, conveying the deep gratitude of the village collective for the strong support of the CAPINFO to boost the village collective economy.

Deputy general manager Du expressed full concern and care for the work, life and family situation of the two cadres during their assistance, paid tribute to their dedication, hard work and outstanding work results, and thanked them for their solid work to enhance the Company's reputation. She said that the Company will be a strong backing, offering a strong helping hand to the cadres regardless of their difficulties in work or life, and fully solving their worries. It is hoped that the two cadres can take the company's entrustment, shoulder the heavy burden and mission, take root at the grass-roots level, give full play to their talents, write wonderful stories of assistance work with full spirit, thereby fully displaying the good image of CAPINFO.

In the next step, the Company will thoroughly implement the rural revitalization strategy of Beijing during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, continue to take assistance cadres as a link, further promote the orderly development of the assistance work, with the view to contribute to the efforts of state-owned enterprises for the "hematopoietic" development of local economy.


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