

Supervisory Committee

Date: March.18,2022

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The supervisory committee is required for the stock limited company under the Company Law and such requirement is reflected in the Articles of Association. The supervisory committee is responsible for monitoring the finance of the Company, supervising the Board and the management officers of the Company in their performance. The supervisory committee consists of three members, two of whom are the representatives of shareholders and one is the representative of the Company’s staff and workers. The representatives of the shareholders shall be elected and dismissed at general meetings, and the representatives of the Company’s staff and workers shall be democratically elected and dismissed by the Company’s staff and workers. The term of supervisor is three years, and can be re-elected and re-appointed. The elected supervisor may not act concurrently as a Director, manager or the Chief Financial Controller. The functions and duties of the supervisory committee include: attending board meetings, examining the financial of the Company, supervising the directors and other senior management officers whether they  have violated the laws, regulations or the Articles of Association when discharging their duties; requiring remedies when the acts of directors and managers are prejudiced o the Company’s interests; reviewing the financial reports, operation reports and profit distribution tabled by the Board’s meeting to the general meeting, for any irregularities identified, may engage  registered accountants and certified accountants to assist in re-auditing in the name of the Company; proposing to convene of extraordinary general meetings; initiating any negotiations with or proceedings against directors on behalf of the Company ; and other powers granted according to the Articles of Association and in the general meetings. Any resolutions proposed in the supervisory committee meetings are required to be approved and passed by two-thirds or more of supervisors.

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