

Firmly implement new development concepts, actively integrate into new development paradigm and achieve full high-quality development - Capinfo held the 2022 work conference, oath-making and mobilization meeting for the Winter Olympics

Date: January.29,2022

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On January 28, Capinfo convened the 2022 work meeting. At the meeting, fulfilment of 2021 objectives/tasks and implementation of work were fully summarized. In addition, the work of 2022 was fully arranged. As Party Committee’s Secretary and Chairman of Capinfo, Yu Donghui attended the meeting and made a report on business operations and work. Other leaders and more than 1,800 employees of Capinfo attended this meeting.

As a member of Capinfo’s Party Committee and Committee for Discipline Inspection, Yang Yongxin firstly introduced the spirit of the fourth session of the first staff representatives’ meeting, namely the 2022 work conference, oath-making and mobilization meeting for the Winter Olympics held by Capinfo - a state-owned company. He communicated superior leaders’ crucial deployment requirements for our assistance with China and Beijing to promote development of digital economy. As the grand opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics was about to be held, he inspired all members of Capinfo to strive to offer full support to the Winter Olympics, highlighted that all members of Capinfo should be accountable with a strong sense of mission and encouraged everyone to show the best sides of us in this top grand international sports event, to actively make contributions to this “simple, safe and extraordinary” Winter Olympics.

As Deputy Secretary of our Party Committee and General Manager, Zhang Yiqian presented a 2021 Business and Work Report on behalf of our management team. He fully summarized our outstanding performances in business operations in 2021 from the perspective of four major fields and aspects, namely smoothly fulfilling major tasks for guaranteeing communications of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the Winter Olympics, supporting construction of major projects for people’s livelihoods, promoting integration of cloud networks for assisting with governments’ governance and modernization of governance systems, and improving corporate business management. Around the key jobs for setting annual corporate strategic objectives, improving corporate combat capabilities, constructing corporate systems/mechanisms, and promoting investment management, he made full arrangements for seizing opportunities to create new patterns, securely adjusting structures and making further full improvement of management work.


As Secretary of Capinfo’s Party Committee and Chairman, Yu Donghui made a thematic speech titled Actively Integrating into the New Development Pattern and Fully Promoting High-quality Development of the Company in Strict Compliance with the New Development Concept. He pointed out that 2021 was a milestone year in the history of China and the Communist Party of China. The solemn celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China started the new journey for full construction of a modernized socialist country and attainment of the goal for further development over another century. In such an extremely extraordinary year, Capinfo’s two-level Party organizations, CPC members and employees have made every effort to fulfill all reform/development tasks and promoted further development of Capinfo around political construction under the correct leadership of the Party Committee in face of difficulties and challenges such as shrunken demand for development of market economy, supply shock and weaker expectations.


Mr. Yu Donghui said that 2022 was a year when the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Winter Olympics receiving worldwide attention were held. It was also an important year for transition of the “14th Five-year Plan”. In a new year, our general work requirements are as follows: Guided by Xi Jinping’s socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in a new era, Capinfo will fully follow the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, plenary sessions of the 19th National Congress and the Central Economic Work Conference. It will deeply implement spirit of General Secretary’s important speeches made in Beijing, uphold the great spirit on the founding of the Communist Party of China, always strive to make steady progress, satisfy general requirements for reform and innovation, observe arrangements of the 18th Plenary Session of the 12th Municipal Committee, focus on serving national strategies, aim to support capital construction, meet the requirements for “grain, agriculture, subsistence, vehicles and houses”, fully play leading roles in guaranteeing strict governance over the Communist Party of China, actively promote three-year actions for reforming state-owned enterprises, review previous work for improvement, concentrate on creating value for customers, stabilize operations of important systems, consolidate existing businesses, vigorously develop incremental businesses, construct corporate marketing and technical systems, optimize management systems, strengthen risk control capabilities, and constantly drive high-quality development of Capinfo.

Looking into 2022, Mr. Yu Donghui has made arrangements for Capinfo to do seven key jobs well as follows: First, deeply learn and implement the spirit of the sixth plenary session of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, persistently acquire innovation theories of the Communist Party of China and act according to these theories. Second, consolidate political stance and provide major support for smooth completion of the Winter Paralympic Games. Third, focus on core businesses and creatively create a new path for our high-quality development. Fourth, review previous jobs as per high standards, to truly make complete and thorough improvements. Fifth, strengthen leadership of the Communist Party of China for state-owned enterprises to clarify the orientations, manage the overall situation and promote implementation of actions. Sixth, reinforce grassroots and branch work to consolidate our foundation for constructing CPC organizations. Seventh, strictly observe the main requirements and completely promote governance over the Communist Party of China.

Mr. Yu Donghui highlighted that for the purpose of doing jobs well in 2022, attention should be especially paid to the following two aspects: First of all, be more duty and result-oriented with the focus on creating value for customers, to facilitate legal governance over Capinfo. We are required to practise the core concept of creating value for customers. Orienting towards duties and results, we ought to adjust and reform our salary incentive system. On the premise of compliance, we shall strive to realize legal governance over Capinfo. Secondly, boldly shoulder responsibilities and missions, and implement stringent selection standards, in an attempt to cultivate a group of leaders who can share knowledge about politics, lead teams, overcome difficulties, achieve outstanding performances and keep bottom lines. Our teams are required to boldly shoulder responsibilities and missions. We shall clarify fundamental requirements for team building, cultivate team members in the selection process and select them from the cultivation process.


Finally, Mr. Yu Donghui expressed that as the Spring Festival was coming, more efforts should be made to achieve more outstanding performances. He said, in the new year, we would continue upholding our enterprise culture of being  “political, accountable, credible”, perform our duties as a municipal state-owned enterprise with practical actions, escort high-quality development of Capinfo, strive to open a new chapter “as a leading operator of smart cities and data industry”, guarantee smooth completion of the wonderful Winter Olympics with secure services, and facilitate smooth completion of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

At the meeting, Capinfo solemnly praised 10 “outstanding teams”, 32 individuals for their “excellent management” and 94 “excellent employees”. Some prize winners made typical speeches as representatives.

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